What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Ketogenic Diets

There has been a lot of talk about a ketogenic diet, also known as a low carb diet. While science has proven

Why A Pinched Nerve Responds So Well To Chiropractic

Why A Pinched Nerve Responds So Well To Chiropractic

A pinched nerve is a common complaint that can cause a wide variety of symptoms from pain to numbness. In many cases,

How the Shoes You Wear Can Wreck Your Spine

How the Shoes You Wear Can Wreck Your Spine

If you’ve been experiencing lower back pain and can’t seem to pinpoint the cause, try looking down – at your feet. What

Why Being Thankful Benefits Your Health

Why Being Thankful Benefits Your Health

Can being grateful actually make you healthier? Several studies say yes. In fact, there is a great deal of evidence that shows

How Chiropractic Can Help Keep You Moving On A Factory’s Assembly Line

How Chiropractic Can Help Keep You Moving On A Factory’s Assembly Line

Assembly lines have long been the standard for factory workers. Henry Ford got the ball rolling in December 1, 1913 when he

Why More People Are Choosing Chiropractic

Why More People Are Choosing Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is enjoying an upsurge in popularity as more people are veering away from invasive procedures and pharmaceuticals in favor of

Why Hydration Is Important To Your Spine

Why Hydration Is Important To Your Spine

Water. We know that it is a vital part of our health and wellbeing. Doctors and experts have been telling us for

3 Stretches Chiropractic Patients Can Do For Neck Pain

3 Stretches Chiropractic Patients Can Do For Neck Pain

Stretching is often an outstanding complement to chiropractic care. Blood flow to the muscles is increased and it helps lower the risk

Why We Get Shorter As We Age

Why We Get Shorter As We Age

If you are in your 40s, and you measured your height, chances are you would not be the same height that you

Your Favourite Athletes Go To The Chiropractor

Your Favourite Athletes Go To The Chiropractor

Did you know that our own Dr. Caulfield was once a wrestler? While on Canada’s national team, a young Bradley Caulfield was